It’s an unfortunate reality that many people have to take out student loans for their college educations. But sometimes, even after taking the loan and making payments on it for a while, the school they attended closes or loses its accreditation.

In these cases, getting a closed school loan discharge is possible if you meet certain requirements. Getting a closed school loan discharge isn’t as easy as just filling out forms – there are several steps involved in this process.

First of all, you’ll need to prove that the school actually closed before you had completed your program of study or within 120 days afterward. If your case meets those criteria, then the rest of the process involves submitting paperwork to your lender in order to get approved for a discharge.

Read on to learn more about how to go through this process and successfully receive a discharge on your student loan!

Qualifying For A Closed School Loan Discharge

Attending a school that suddenly closes can leave you in an unfortunate position when it comes to your student loans. Fortunately, there is hope for borrowers who have been affected by the closure of their college or university: they may be able to get a closed school loan discharge.

In order to qualify, borrowers must meet certain criteria and provide documentation. The first step toward qualifying for a closed school loan discharge is determining if you are eligible. You will need to make sure that both the school where you were enrolled and the date of the closure meet specific requirements set out by the Department of Education. Generally speaking, students who withdrew within 120 days of the closing date are considered eligible for this type of debt forgiveness program.

Once you’ve determined eligibility, the next step is submitting all necessary documentation. This includes information about any other colleges or universities you may have attended after withdrawing from your original institution as well as evidence showing proof of attendance at said school prior to its closure date. Additionally, you’ll also need to submit documentation regarding any outstanding payments due on your student loan(s).

With these items submitted, processing times can vary depending on how quickly the paperwork is received and verified by your lender or servicer. By following these steps and meeting all requirements, borrowers can move closer to obtaining relief with a closed school loan discharge. Knowing what documents are needed upfront helps streamline the process so it goes more smoothly overall.

Submitting The Necessary Documentation

The first step in getting a closed school loan discharge is to submit the necessary documentation. This includes any records that verify your last date of attendance, including transcripts, enrollment contracts, and withdrawal forms from the school. It’s important to be as thorough as possible with this process since incomplete or inaccurate information could result in your application being denied.

After gathering all relevant documents, you must fill out the appropriate form for a closed school loan discharge and send it along with proof of your last day of attendance. Depending on the type of loan you have received, there may be additional steps required, such as providing specific details about when and why you withdrew from classes at the time.

Once submitted, it can take up to 45 days for the Department of Education to review your application and make a decision. During this period, it’s important to keep track of any correspondence between yourself and the DOE so that, if needed, further clarification can be provided quickly.

Understanding what you need to complete before submitting an application will help ensure that everything goes smoothly during the process. With all these pieces properly in place, transitioning into understanding the benefits of a closed school loan discharge should be straightforward and uncomplicated.

Understanding The Benefits Of A Closed School Loan Discharge

When it comes to dealing with student loan debt, a closed school loan discharge can provide much-needed relief. This process allows borrowers who attended college or universities that have since closed the opportunity to erase their remaining debt obligations without having to make additional payments.

It’s important for those considering this option to understand how it works and what benefits they will receive before applying. In order to qualify for a closed school loan discharge, borrowers must meet certain criteria set out by the Department of Education.

These include being enrolled at an eligible institution when it closes its doors or within 120 days of closure if enrollment was not completed. Additionally, applicants must also show proof that no other educational programs were accepted in lieu of completion from the original institution prior to closing.

If approved, all outstanding loans owed by the borrower related to attendance at the now-closed university are discharged completely and permanently forgiven. That means any funds due under these payday advance app loans  become immediately available as disposable income rather than continuing along with interest accruing towards payment terms determined by the lender.

It is important for potential applicants to ensure they meet all requirements necessary for consideration so they can take advantage of this beneficial program offered by the Department of Education.


In conclusion, it’s important to understand all of the qualifications and paperwork required for a closed school loan discharge. If you meet these qualifications and have submitted all necessary documentation, then you can take advantage of this option and benefit from having your loans discharged. It’s an important step that could potentially save you time and money in the long run. You’ll be able to start fresh with no debt hanging over your head if you are successful in obtaining a loan discharge.