
Credit Problem Mortgages

Credit problem mortgage is a specific category on the NeedingAdvice.co.uk Ltd website, which consists of all the relevant articles and blog posts on the effects of credit ratings on the mortgages from lenders. The category has helpful articles on topics such as “Mortgage Decline“, Getting Mortgage with Adverse Credit“, Mortgage with Unsatisfied CCJ“, “Mortgage with Satisfied CCJ“, “Mortgages After Bankruptcy“, “Improving Credit Score for Mortgage“, etc…

We suggest you get copies of your credit file and email them to us. It is best to check dates and details of any defaults, CCJs, missed payments. This can be done by following the link below: Try it FREE for 30 days, then £14.99 a month – cancel online anytime.

At NeedingAdvice.co.uk Ltd, most of the time, we came across queries related to poor credit history while someone is trying to start a mortgage application in Uk. We have bad credit mortgage brokers who could help you start your journey onto the property ladder even if you have a poor credit report. Apart from the credit ratings, there are other factors that you have also need to consider in which a specialist credit broker could help.

Mortgage Success Reviews

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Mortgage with 5 Year Old CCJ: Get Approved Even With Bad Credit

By |2023-06-26T13:01:42+00:00June 24, 2023|Adverse Credit, Credit Problem Mortgages, Credit Score|

Obtaining a mortgage with a 5-year-old County Court Judgment (CCJ) can be challenging, but it's not impossible. A CCJ is a public record of [...]

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Mortgages with Defaults: What You Need to Know

By |2023-06-13T13:26:54+00:00June 13, 2023|Adverse Credit, Credit Problem Mortgages, Credit Score, Knowledge Mortgages, Mortgages|

Damian Youell Contact Our Specialist Mortgage Advisor Following the credit crunch in 2008, mortgage lenders were forced to tighten up [...]

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Understanding Mortgage Credit Checks: A Comprehensive Guide

By |2023-05-31T15:40:42+00:00May 31, 2023|Adverse Credit, Credit Problem Mortgages, Credit Score, Mortgages|

Mortgage Credit Checks Getting a mortgage with soft and hard credit checks in past is complicated because of various reasons. Mortgage Lenders look at [...]

Guide to Getting a Mortgage with Unspent Convictions in the UK

By |2023-04-12T12:00:20+00:00April 12, 2023|Credit Problem Mortgages, Knowledge Mortgages, Mortgages|

Getting a mortgage when you have an unspent conviction can be incredibly difficult, as lenders often don’t take into account the individual circumstances of [...]

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Mortgage for Low Income Earners

By |2023-03-15T16:12:03+00:00March 15, 2023|Credit Problem Mortgages, Income Types, Knowledge Mortgages, Loan to Values / Deposits, Mortgages, Mortgages for Different Occupations / Income Types|

Getting a mortgage as a low-income earner is not easy in the UK. However, it can be done if you are willing to put [...]

How an adverse credit broker can help you get a mortgage?

By |2023-02-17T15:50:26+00:00February 17, 2023|Adverse Credit, Credit Problem Mortgages, Using a Broker|

Introduction When it comes to securing a mortgage, credit problems can make the process much more challenging. Some of the most common credit problems [...]

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Our guide to mortgages with settled or unsettled IVA

By |2022-12-09T13:18:56+00:00December 8, 2022|Credit Problem Mortgages, Knowledge Mortgages, Mortgages|

Our guide to mortgages with settled or unsettled IVA At some point in their lives, many people experience problems in dealing with the day [...]

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