Are you considering a mundic block property? Not sure what to do next?

Check out this article to gather important information about mundic block properties before making your purchase…

What does mundic block mean?

Mundic is a term that describes the deterioration of concrete. This happens because the mineral components in the aggregate break down. A lot of properties in the South West of England were constructed using concrete blocks made from waste rock from mining, quarrying, and beach gravel. The waste rock was combined with beach sand, china clay waste, or residue from mining processes.

Blocks made from these materials were produced from the early 1900s until the 1950s. The mass production of concrete blocks became prevalent after this period. The use of local materials for blocks and foundations continued until the early 1960s. Many houses in Cornwall were built using ‘mundic’ material.

What potential problems may I face with a mundic block House?

A mundic block house can have several issues, with the primary concern being the uncertainty about the exact composition of the mixture. The Cornish soil has a high mineral content, and the method of extracting ore from it results in the concrete aggregate containing various chemicals and minerals. As time passes, the concrete will deteriorate.

Types of materials that can be used:

  • Sulphide Minerals

    Commonly located in mined or quarried rock. Under moist atmospheric conditions, these can oxidize and produce sulfuric acid. This damages the cement, leading to weakness and expansion, known as ‘Mundic Decay’.

  • Fine Grained Rocks

    Sediments accumulate on the ocean floor and can be relatively soft. They can adjust in volume and separate when exposed to moisture, causing the concrete’s cement to fracture, a phenomenon referred to as ‘Killas’.

  • Furnace Residue

    Clinker, coking breeze, and slag are byproducts from metal smelters, gasworks, and laundries. If the coal isn’t burned properly, it may expand when wet, leading to cracks.

  • Reactive Silica

    Flint is commonly found in beach gravel and is often used in mass concrete.

There are several consultants offering examination and testing services in Cornwall. You can find information about ‘mundic testing in Cornwall’ by searching online or checking the telephone directory. The examination will determine if the concrete is composed of appropriate materials, thus qualifying it as Class A. Sometimes, after the Preliminary Stage, if concrete can’t be placed into ‘A’ or ‘C’, more testing may be required.

A screening test could be around £450, not including VAT. The cost may rise based on how serious the mundic decay is. It is worthwhile to spend the money on it. Retesting a mundic property may enhance its value to its full market potential, depending on any necessary remedial work and additional retesting that may be required. Taking a test before buying can help you avoid an expensive error.

The value of the property can be significantly impacted if buyers steer clear of homes built with this material and lenders deny mortgages based on the property’s condition.

However, mundic-affected properties are still in demand and can be good investments since they typically sell for about 65-70% of the value of properties that aren’t affected, and they can be rented out for the same price.

Damian Youell

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What are the ways to identify if a house was constructed with mundic block?

In some buildings, it may be clear that they were built with mundic materials, while in others, this may need to be identified through a Building Survey. Properties in West Devon and Cornwall that were modified or constructed between 1900 and 1960 and contain concrete should be tested for mundic matter.

Many surveyors can organize a mundic test or provide the test themselves. This test checks for concrete building materials. Samples are taken from the fabric of the house using a drill, and then they are analyzed and classified into grades (A1, A2, A3, B, and C).

Can I get a mortgage easily for a mundic block property?

A mundic block mortgage is typically available if your property survey shows positive results from the mundic block test.

After the property survey is done, the report regarding the Mundic blocks will be given.

Getting an A1 or A2 grade is positive because it indicates that the concrete either has no harmful materials or has such a low amount that they are not likely to cause issues later on.

If a sample of brick from the home you want to buy has higher levels of mundic, it could be categorized as grade A3. This isn’t ideal, but it’s not the worst outcome either.

An Ac means your property is rated in the middle range, and some mortgage lenders might accept this grading while others may not. Your mortgage broker can help you identify mortgage lenders who accept this grading and provide you with a mundic block mortgage.

The problem with AC grading is that it falls under special testing, which can be costly, time-intensive, and not suitable for every situation.

If your property receives a grade B or C on its mundic test, it’s likely that you won’t qualify for a mortgage, as this means that Mundic comprises more than 30% of the concrete in your property and there may already be visible damage.

If you can show that the mundic is confined to a certain area of the property, you might be able to swap it out for a modern material to secure a mortgage on the property.

It’s a good idea to reach out to a mortgage broker since they can help you find the best offers from lenders.

Our mortgage brokers are experienced in helping clients secure a mortgage quickly and efficiently. Please request a callback, and a broker will contact you soon.

Damian Youell

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